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New Website for Mission-Driven Pain Management Practice

October 31, 2019

Synovation Medical Group is a medical practice driven by a mission to help those with chronic or severe pain manage that pain and live full and productive lives.

Their multidisciplinary approach spans treatment tools including the latest in medical technology; holistic treatments like diet, meditation, acupuncture, and homeopathy; and traditional treatments including medication.

Synovation Medical Group website home page

The website that Andigo designed and built for Synovation reflects their commitment to treating patients rather than pain, and makes clear to prospective patients what they can expect from a relationship with Synovation’s team of medical professionals.

Site coding makes it easy for patients to find the information most important to them. Rather than having to search in three different sections to find the service they want, a team member who provides it, and a convenient location (Synovation has more than 20 locations), patients can use any one of those pieces of information as the starting point that leads them to the solution that fits them best.

Site features are also designed to get existing patient’s the information they need quickly and easily, improving user experience and freeing staff to focus on other issues.

Health care providers interested in joining the Synovation team also get a detailed picture of the organization’s approach and vision.