This past fall, I was invited to speak at WordCamp NYC, a gathering of WordPress tech geeks and business owners / marketers who use WordPress as part of their business marketing. In my presentation, The Power of Planning: How Site Maps, Wireframes, and Functional Specs Will Make Your WordPress Projects More Effective and More Efficient,…MORE >
Over the past 9 or 10 months, I’ve adapted for different audiences a presentation about the value of good planning for website development projects. As it has evolved, I realize that what had started out as a comprehensive “How to” guide for planning successful website projects has added a significant “Why” component, as well. And…MORE >
Big data is not the answer, no matter whether you’re a big business or small. Big ideas from big business is what can create an impact on your bottom line. Unfortunately, one doesn’t always lead directly to the other. Data on its own isn’t necessarily worth a whole lot. All the proof you need is…MORE >
You have two main options when you build a website: you can build a website focused on lead generation or a site devoted to brand building. One isn’t necessarily better than another, and they will frequently overlap, but knowing what you want your website marketing to achieve will make success more likely. First, let’s define…MORE >
At the risk of sounding like a broken record – I’ve discussed similar ideas recently here – you’re never going to maximize your return on your digital marketing investment if you rely on a single channel. Your website can’t do it alone, social media can’t do it alone. Ditto for email, direct mail, trade shows, webinars and…MORE >
Is your website an expensive business card? Or is it, in the words of Henry Standing Bear, a “continual soiree?” (Drinks on me for the first person who can name the show.) Your website may not be a never-ending party but it can’t be a wallflower, either. It’s got to get out there and dance…MORE >
I’ll cop to that terrible, attention-getting ploy: If you know that CMS stands for content management system, my headline reads as redundant. I could have just as easily called this post, Your CMS Matters Less Than How You Use It. But what’s the fun in that? Audience attraction tricks aside, whichever CMS you favor – Wordpress,…MORE >
Much has been written lately about the differences between B2B and B2C marketers, particularly when it comes to digital marketing. A lot of that writing has painting overly narrow pictures of what each group is interested in and should be focused on. And will some of those ideas are true in very broad terms, there…MORE >
As many of you know, I presented this past weekend at WordcampNYC, the WordPress-focused gathering of tech geeks, marketers, and small business owners interested in digital marketing. It was a great experience, and though we typically focus on content marketing, digital strategy, and web development in our Resources pieces, I hope you’ll indulge a broader…MORE >
Gated content has its advantages and disadvantages, but you shouldn’t be looking at it as an all-or-nothing consideration. Here are some tips on when to gate content, what kinds of content to gate, and how to gate your content effectively. What is Gated Content First, let’s define what gated content is. Quite simply, it’s content…MORE >