Many of us are focused on how drastically things have changed in our worlds. Enormous numbers of people have lost income, or jobs, or even companies they’ve built over decades, to say nothing of the loss of life. And yet, when it comes to marketing, there are ways that the “new normal” won’t have changed anything at all,…MORE >
Up is down, down is up, and not a whole lot seems to make sense in our currently crazy, mixed up world. That doesn’t mean we get to take the month(s) off or hide under a rock. Here are a few thoughts on ways to respond to a vastly different sales and marketing landscape. Don’t…MORE >
It may not feel like it, and certainly the old hard sell probably ain’t a great idea at the moment. (Frankly, it wasn’t a great idea a month ago when we were still operating under the “old normal.”) Then again, the other extreme may not be much better. We’re all getting dozens of thinly-veiled sales…MORE >
I get that we’re all addicted to our phones, and I get that I am (obviously) not representative of every market demographic, but I can’t be the only one who thinks the whole “mobile first” ethos is not in the best interest of B2B marketers, can I? What brought this to mind is an article…MORE >
Is your website an expensive business card? Or is it, in the words of Henry Standing Bear, a “continual soiree?” (That’s from the Netflix show, Longmire. I’m a sucker for westerns.) Your website may not be a never-ending party but it can’t be a wallflower, either, just leaning against the wall with the other marketing…MORE >
If you’ve already missed two days at the gym and the wine bottle is calling your name even though you promised yourself a Dry January, you may be feeling a little blue. Cheer up! I’ve got just the New Year’s resolution to get you back on track. It won’t help you lose weight or get…MORE >
The Fonz was, for a period, the coolest character in all of pop culture. (At least until he jumped the shark.) The actor who played Fonzie, Henry Winkler, is a pretty cool character himself. A few years ago, I heard an interview in which he was asked about the challenges of carving out a career…MORE >
Please click the link below to download the slides from Andrew Schulkind’s presentation at WordCamp NYC 2019. It includes tips on powering your digital marketing with WordPress and related tools, as well as general digital marketing strategies. Using WordPress to Power Your Digital Marketing (PDF) A video recording of the presentation will follow when it…MORE >
If you find that your website is not converting as well as it should be — or as well as you’d like — the issue may be a failure to establish trust with your target audience. Here are a few of the ways you might be hindering your own efforts. Asking Too Many Questions “I…MORE >
I recently published a piece on voice search and voice engine optimization — for Biznology. I also published a piece on VEO for Target Marketing earlier this year. The earlier piece was at my editor’s request and the more recent was a reaction to the increased attention that VEO is getting of late. We may…MORE >